EAASP Workshop

Shaping the future requirements for traveller verification at European borders
Tuesday 25th March
10.30am – 12.30pm
The European Association of Airport & Seaport Police (EAASP) is one of the parties involved in the EU-funded project SafeTravellers which started January 2024 and will last for three years, and is leading this workshop.
The project aims to produce a near operational system at TRL7 or above. SafeTravellers is about:
a) strengthening the security at the borders and supporting associated law enforcement identity investigation activities,
b) improving the productivity of the Border Authorities by providing them with the appropriate tools to perform trustworthy identity management, combat identity fraud at the hardware, identity and travel document, and biometrics level, while
c) offering a frictionless border crossing experience for EU and Third Country Nationals (TCN) citizens so they will not have to stop when crossing the border checkpoints.
At a Workshop at the World Border Security Congress meeting in 2024 practitioners were given the opportunity to contribute their operational wishes for an enhanced border system as part of the requirements definition phase. The aim of the workshop in 2025 is to report progress and present the outline plans for Pilot testing in an Airport, Land Border, Rail and Maritime environment. Participants will be invited to help the project refine the plans for the Pilots to make them as useful as possible to the wider Border Security community. The workshop will discuss opportunities for future engagement of participants in project demonstration activities in simulated operational environments.
The opportunity for participants is to identify issues of importance and thereby maximise their benefits from the final solution.
Join this workshop and help shape the future of the SaveTravellers programme.