LTC Fernando Sanchez Magdalena

LTC Fernando Sanchez Magdalena

  • Head of Border and Customs Police Unit-Madrid Region
  • Guardia Civil, Spain

Fernando Sánchez Magdalena is a senior member of the Spanish Guardia Civil, currently heading the Border and Customs Police Unit in the region of Madrid. The unit responsible for the custody and surveillance of Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas International Airport, prevention and fight against illicit trafficking (investigating smuggling) and other kinds of cross-border crimes is his responsibility. He was previously in charge of coordination of fiscal and border investigation units within the Guardia Civil Border and Customs Police Command, with a deployment of one Central Unit and a regional positioning of local units at major ports and airports.

Previously, he served for 12 years as a head of criminal investigation specific group, within Central Operative Unit (UCO), dedicated to develop complex economic and anti-corruption investigations.

He began his professional career as a head of public security units in the south of Spain.


  • Modus Operandi (Drugs and contraband)

    In the spirit of interagency cooperation this workshop will facilitate the sharing of on the ground experience, real life case studies and share actionable intelligence on the movement of drugs, illicit goods, illegal waste, heritage goods, wildlife trafficking and modus operandi used to enable these trades.