Jordan Watkins
- Acting Police Sergeant
- UK Counter Terrorism Policing
Jordan Watkins is an Acting Police Sergeant (A/PS) working for Counter Terrorism Policing (CTP) in the United Kingdom. CTP is a collaboration of all UK Police forces working with the UK intelligence community to help protect the public and our national security by preventing, deterring, and investigating terrorist activity. A/PS Jordan Watkins’ role is specifically focussed on Border Operations and works closely with partner agencies including the Security Services, Border Force and the National Crime Agency (NCA). He has been involved in the creation and delivery of a number of multi-agency operations over the previous 24 months in order to detect and disrupt threats to UK national security transiting the UK Border.
Prior to his role with CTP, A/PS Jordan Watkins worked for the Metropolitan Police for 9 years and holds a Master’s Degree in Counter Terrorism.
Interagency Cooperation and Collaboration
It is widely acknowledged that interagency cooperation is the key to the effective border management, facilitating the movement of goods and people whilst simultaneously preventing bad actors from travelling and interdicting the movement of illicit goods. But what can be in practical terms on the ground to increase communication, share actionable intelligence and best practise.