Dr Kirill Amelin

Dr Kirill Amelin

  • Research Engineer
  • DefSecIntel Solutions, Estonia

Dr Kirill Amelin works for DefSecIntel Solution, an Estonian company that specializes in the development of AI-based autonomous surveillance and counter-UAV systems. His main specialties are radio communication and radar technology, and he also contributes to the integration of multi-modal systems and development of data exchange capabilities. Previously, Dr Amelin worked as an engineer in telecommunication industry and was a junior researcher at the National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, performing solid-state spectroscopy at cryogenic temperatures to study magnetic interactions. He holds a PhD in Applied Physics from Tallinn University of Technology.


  • Technology Workshops Pt1

    Overview of the latest technologies and solutions for border management, security and protection

  • AI-Enhanced Mobile Surveillance Systems: Advancing Situational Awareness for Efficient Border Control