Dave Fluty

Dave Fluty

  • Assistant Commissioner
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Larry “Dave” Fluty is the Assistant Commissioner, Operations Support, Laboratories and Scientific Services. Mr. Fluty oversees a diverse organization of scientists, engineers, forensics experts, and support staff to provide rapid, accurate, and reliable forensic and scientific services to US Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) frontline officers and agents in support of CBP’s mission. He leads eight field laboratories including the INTERDICT Science Center, 22 Forward Operating Laboratories/Joint Forensic Centers, the Teleforensic Center, and the Interdiction Technology Branch that provide key support services to CBP operators. Services include forensics and trade laboratory analyses, 24/7 radiation/nuclear and narcotics reachback, and programmatic and engineering services for CBP’s Office of Field Operations, United States Border Patrol, and Air and Marine Operations. Previously, Mr. Fluty served as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Office in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and as the Acting Assistant Secretary of the DHS Office of Health Affairs (OHA). Mr. Fluty is a graduate of the CBP Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program. He holds a BS in Chemistry from the University of the Pacific and is a Senior Executive Fellow at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.


  • Modus Operandi (Drugs and contraband)

    In the spirit of interagency cooperation this workshop will facilitate the sharing of on the ground experience, real life case studies and share actionable intelligence on the movement of drugs, illicit goods, illegal waste, heritage goods, wildlife trafficking and modus operandi used to enable these trades.