Brigadier General Salvatore Russo
- Officer/Attache
- Italian Economic and Financial Police
Brigadier General Salvatore RUSSO is an officer of the “Guardia di Finanza” (the Italian Economic and Financial Police).
He has a degree in “Law”, “Economic and Financial Security Sciences” and in “International and Diplomatic Sciences”: he also has a master’s degree in “Corporate Tax Law”.
Before obtaining the rank of Brigadier General (2020), he headed operational departments of the Guardia di Finanza and conducted investigations in areas with high “Mafia” presence (Naples, Sicily and Apulia), as well as “joint investigation teams” with Police Forces from Serbia, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain and Albania.
Throughout his career, he has also participated, as a teacher, in numerous training activities and at the Guardia di Finanza Academy he taught Judicial Police and Organized Crime to young officer cadets.
From 2020 to 2024 he was attaché of the Guardia di Finanza at the Italian Embassy in Washington D.C. (U.S.A.) with diplomatic accreditation in Canada and Mexico.
He has lectured for two years at Georgetown University and American University on “product counterfeiting and trademark protection” and “money laundering related to tax fraud”.
At the Inter-American Defense College in Washington DC, he gave a lecture on the fight against corruption.
For the Organization of American States (O.A.S.O.), he has given several speeches on money laundering and the fight against organized crime at conferences for magistrates and law enforcement in Mexico and Colombia.
Since September 2024 he is attaché of the Guardia di Finanza at the Italian Embassy in Madrid (Spain).
Interagency Cooperation and Collaboration
It is widely acknowledged that interagency cooperation is the key to the effective border management, facilitating the movement of goods and people whilst simultaneously preventing bad actors from travelling and interdicting the movement of illicit goods. But what can be in practical terms on the ground to increase communication, share actionable intelligence and best practise.