Trends in Drugs, Trafficking, SOC and Terrorism – impact across continents

Drugs on the streets seems to be the insoluble societal problem of our age. It destroys lives and permeates every part of society. It makes law breakers of otherwise law-abiding citizens and through their dealers puts them in direct contact with the criminal underbelly of society.
Drugs are the invisible glue that connects organised crime with terrorists, with the city slicker that likes to ‘do a line’ and with the student on campus, just starting out on their life story. Along the way it corrupts officials and politicians, and sucks billions out of the economies of every country it touches. Terrorists gain an unlimited source of revenue and expertise in illicit transfer and laundering of proceeds from illicit transactions.
In this session we will look at any new trends in drug trafficking and look to share any new policy developments and measures that have been successful in countering this evil trade.