Fidel Amakye Owusu

  • Subject Matter Expert for Security
  • Unival Group, Germany

Fidel Amakye Owusu works as as strategic advisor and security analyst with unival group GmbH.
He is a distinguished International Relations and Security Analyst from Ghana.
He has hosted a program for state televison in Ghana and serves as Senior Conflicts Analyst at the Conflict Research Consortium for Africa. His extensive writing includes peer-reviewed articles and opinion pieces. He been an authoritative guest on various media platforms and have delivered talks worldwide, including at universities and broadcasters like DW and Press TV.

With experience as a Special Assistant to a former Ghanaian Vice President and roles at the President’s office, he developed expertise in research, project management, administration, and media relations. As a columnist, he has cover topics like terrorism and drone warfare. His educational background comprises a B.A. in Political Science with History and an M.A. in International Affairs from the University of Ghana.

At unival group he helps to develop modern and respectful security solutions that have an impact on geopolitical level.


  • Countering Serious Organised Crime, Drugs, SALW, Smuggling

    Criminal actors continue to be very creative in developing new techniques and channels to conduct illicit activities. There is an old saying, ‘follow the money’ – investigating financial transactions and use that information to indicate evidence of a crime, a suspect or criminal network. But it is not only the money that facilitates this, it’s […]