CS Pedro Alberto Nunes Teixeira

  • Deputy National Director of Airport Security and Border Control
  • Public Security Police (PSP), Portugal

Pedro Alberto Nunes Teixeira is 58 years old and is chief superintendent of the Public Security Police.

Among the various positions held, highlights include the role of head of the Security Service of the Presidency of the Republic and security officer of the President of the Republic, the functions of deputy director of the Instituto Superior de Ciencias Policiais e Segurança Interna, head office of the National Director of the PSP, liaison officer of the Ministry of Internal Administration in Luanda, 2nd metropolitan commander of the PSP of Lisbon, commander of the Airport Security Division of the PSP of Lisbon and commander of the Criminal Investigation squadron.

As part of his academic training, he holds a degree in Police Sciences from the Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security (formerly the Higher School of Police).

In terms of professional training, it is worth noting the attendance of the Police Management and Strategy Course, the National Defense Auditor Course, various courses on Civil Aviation Security and courses and training activities at the PSP and at external entities relating to various areas of police interest.

He has several national and foreign medals.


  • Latest/New Modus Operandi

    This Closed Agency Workshop will enable practitioners the opportunity to share analysis on the latest trends in cross border crimes and share some of their latest experiences of changing Modus Operandi of criminal groups operating in their area, and what they have done to combat these changing criminal activities/actions.